Reading for All (R4A) Project Supported By USAID/HI Progress Report.

Nepal Association for the welfare of the Blind (NAWB) Central Office, Tripureswor, Kathmandu

[reading for all program ]     project progress report(final)

1.    PROJECT Overview

Name of Partner:Nepal Association for the welfare of the Blind.  ( NAWB)  
Project Name:“Reading for All: Disability Inclusive Education for Nepali Children”  
Partnership Duration:1 year –15th April, 2020 to 14th May 2021.   Due to the COVID 19 extension 6 months – 15th July, to 31st December, 2021.  
Partnership Contract Budget:NPR1,723,585.57(Inwards One million seven hundred twenty three thousand five hundred eighty five and fifty seven paisa only),  
Major Coordinating Org/Dept:CEHRD Inclusive Education Department, Training Center &curriculum development Center (CDC), Reading for all project catchment area 10 districts Blind schools, resource teachers and blind students.  
District and Palika CoverageReading for all project catchment area Bankey, Surkhet  and adjoining 10 districts  
Report Prepared by:Mr. Ratna Kaji Dangol, Coordinator Reading for all projects.  
Report Validated by:20 , January 2022  
Report submitted to:Donor agency Handicap International  (HI)  
Submission Date: January 2022  

R4A Progress Report

1.1  Brief Introduction of the partner organization (NAWB) Short introduction of partner organization, their history, portfolio and coverage, etc. Maximum half page Nepal Association for the Welfare of the Blind “NAWB” is a non-profitable and non-political social Organization established in the year 1985 for the rehabilitation and promotion of education of persons with visual impairments. Its major activities are identification and referral eye treatment, run early intervention classes, mobility and orientation training, school enrollment, printing of braille books and advocacy and intervention in concerned level. NAWB in partnership with Government of Nepal has been producing school text books in braille from class one to 10. The board of NAWB constitutes of 17 members with and without disabilities. It has been rendering its services throughout the country through its six branch Organizations established at different provinces of Nepal.      

1.2  Project description Short introductory section that gives a quick overview of the project, goals/objectives, target beneficiaries, geographical locations, challenges faced by the communities, etc. Maximum one page    Nepal Association for the Welfare of the Blind is a resource partner for HI and World Education funded project “R4A project. resource teachers at the integrated schools with blind children are not well verged with braille teaching and other essential components of teaching and previously trained teachers  have either died, left schools or retired, a problem has been seen in rendering effective knowledge of Braille amongst the visually impaired students. Parallel to the challenges in delivering the knowledge of Braille by the resource teachers, a problem has also seen in adopting effective teaching techniques, run early intervention classes and ensure blind and disabled friendly teaching-learning environment within the general education settings. Since 2007 there had hasn’t been any trainings for the resource teachers and this has profusely effected in rendering quality education to the students with visual impairments which has ultimately effected in achieving academic proficiency by the visually impaired students. Similarly, the situation has also demanded a need of publishing supplementary materials and other teaching-learning materials in Braille so that children with visual impairments can enjoy reading at home and schools as well. Thus, this project had been designed to update these teachers with the modern techniques of Braille teaching and learning to develop teaching –learning supplementary materials in Braille. The purpose of this “Reading For All project” is to enhance Braille teaching capacity of the resource teachers at the integrated schools at Banked, Surkhet and their periphery District and develop teaching learning materials for the visually impaired children. The 16 participants were from Reading for All “project implementing 10 districts like Banke, Surkhet, Kailalee, Dang, Parsa, and Kaski . The 10+5 days long training on Braille teaching and Early grade reading “EGR” was   an essential project as I it has helped in building up the Braille teaching capacity of resource teachers for blind children and development of relevant supplementary educational materials in Braille.   The contents of the training were realistic and practical as they were developed as per the findings of teachers need assessment (TNA) conducted amongst the   school resource teachers, Head teachers, management personalities, and government personalities from the CEHRD, CDC and training center of Sanothimi Bhaktapur. Though theproject activities were implemented successfully, but we were persuaded to extend the project duration for 2 times which increased the cost of the project. The  10+5 days trainingto resource teachers at the integrated school on braille teaching and early grade reading was the main activities of the project. .  This training was conducted at Hotel Maruti Nandan, Nepaljung,Bankedfrom 10thto 24thNovember 2021. Prior to the training, 10+5 days resource books and facilitation guideline, educational materials, supplementary Braille books like Hami Padna sakchhau (Katha sangra) were developed. The supplementary story books contains 20 children based stories with first page in tactile graphic along with flip charts containing Nepali barnamala, Nepali phonetics swor and byanjan with tactile graphic. In addition to the resource teachers training, a 1 day workshop on teaching-learning materials development had been conducted at MP school. The parents were taught to make these learning materials in low cost using the locally available resource. Finally, we distributed the develop materials like 10 days Braille training resource book and facilitation guidelines,      5 days EGR resource books and facilitation guidelines, supplementary Braille books and flip chart to the resource teachers attending the training.  

1.3  Project accomplishment (key process and methodology) Write major results/outcomes that achieved by the project during the implementation period, how the assignment was completed. Maximum one page   The major result/outcomes that were achieved by the project during the implementation period are as follows; The workshop on Refine existing Goon package on Braille (10 days) and EGR (5 days) found out the clear way to develop the training package and the contents for the resource book development.    The essential activity Training Need Assessment (Visual resource class teacher) in Banke, Surkhet and adjoining districts explored the current needs of the teachers and develop the contents of the training as per the findings. 16 Numbers of resource teachers of 10 Districts had participated in the TNA. Similarly, chairperson of management committee, directors from CEHRD, CDC and Training centers. The TNA explored clear status of blind resource class and identified key problems related with teaching the visually impaired students, such as inadequacy and inappropriate teaching/learning pedagogies and materials, lack of well trained and educated human resources, lack of adequate hostel facilities and management, budget constraint, and lack of sporting or recreational activities.  On the basis of the training need assessment and the recommendation being received, a day Consultation workshop was conducted between  CEHRD and program team to finalize training content and then draft of training content sharing and review of the draft.  Similarly, the facilitation guidelines, resource books, supplementary teaching-learning materials all were reviewed from CHERD section. These all the drafts of 15 days Braille and EGR package were valid by CHERD and by the PTC.3. The 10+5 days-long teacher training toresource class teacher in Banked and Surkhet as well as to the teachers at the R4A project catchment Districts, 16 resource teachers at the integrated schools with visually impaired children had participated. Out of the 16,  5 were visually impaired, 2 low vision and 1 physically disabled and remaining were the general sighted resource teachers. Participation of the female teachers was also satisfactory. The trainees were provided with the resource book on Braille as well as in print as per the specific needs of the trainees. This being a pilot project, comments and feedback were collected  on the resource and facilitation guidelines for the finalization of the drafts.   The 10+5 days long training on Braille and EGR built up the capacity of the resource teachers in Braille teaching adopting the modern teaching techniques. The teachers were given appropriate knowledge on teaching math using Namath code, Unified English Braille and simple word and sentence formation in Devanagari script. Through the EGR training, the trainees were acquainted with class-room management, identifying the disability categories, addressing accessibility, class-room management and adopting effective pedagogy keeping the individual needs of the students in mind.   Workshop on the resource teachers and parents on development on supplementary teaching –learning materials enable the parents and teachers to develop teaching-learning materials at home and schools using the locally available low cost materials. Similarly, the teachers also learnt the existing training materials, method to apply in the classroom environment. Parents learnt to   develop education materials like pictures and diagram through wheelers in the plastic and hard paper. All together 19 parents had benefited from this workshop.   The distribution of Braille user’s guide has enabled the teachers to learn Braille through self-study at home and in the leisure time. It is applying to the project area self if needed. The develop Braille-friendly books ( Hami Padhna Sakchhau ) supplementary materials) for visually impaired children at grade 1 to 3 has increased the access of the visually impaired students to extra-learning and built-up their Braille learning capacity as well. The Developed flipchart (Nepali barnamala) for early grade reading (grade 1-3). The both supplementary Braille as well as tactile books have been   distributed to all the schools with blind children at the R4A project catchment area. 150/150 pcs of supplementary books in Braille was developed and distributed to the concerned schools. .        

1.3.1   Progress against activity targets Present detail achievements by activity as per approved project documents in given table below. Maximum 3-5 pages   Sn. Activities Unit Target Actual % Explanation and justification for deviation 1 Number of resource teacher have been trained on Braille at Banked, Surkhet including adjoining districts person 20 16 80 3 participants from  Mustang, Dhangadhi and Bhaktapur didn’t  not participate 2 Develop 10 days training Braille package for teacher in consultation with CEHRD, training section and CDC events 1 1 100 Very good 3 Develop 5 days EGR training package on Braille for teacher in consultation with CEHRD, training section and CDC events 1 1 100  Very good 4 Develop or adapt new learning material for the Braille users children events 1 1 100 Very good 5 Develop basic teaching learning material on  supplementary Braille  books ( flip chart) ( Hami Padhna sakchau) Pcs. 150 150 100 Very good 6 Draft of training contents and conduct sharing and review workshop in coordination with IE and training section-CEHRD including program team.( 2 days/2 event) meetings 2 1 50 Good. The approved budget was only for the 1 time event.   Because of the financial problem, we could not organize the approved 2 meetings. 7 Develop Goon package on Braille (10 days) package 1 1 100  Good 8 Develop Goon package on EGR on Braille training ( 5 days) package 1 1 100  Very good 9 Consultation workshop with IE section of CEHRD and program team to finalize training Package (1 day) events 1 1 100 Excellent 10 Conduct PTC meeting for validation training package meetings 1 – 0 waiting  response from the HI 11 Organize training on braille and EGR for resource teachers events 1 1 100  Good 12 Onsite support to resource teacher at resource classes times 4 – 0 waiting  response from the HI 13 Develop and Publish flip chart on early grade reading ( grade 1-3) ( Nepali Baramulla Pcs 150 150 100  Very good 14 Provide Published braille user’s guidebook Pcs 40   100 Very good    

1.4  Cross-cutting Issues Present major achievements and process in following sections in bullet points Maximum half page in each section

1.4.1   Gender equality and social/ disability inclusion

1.4.2   Sustainability and local capacity development

1.4.3   Stakeholder participation and involvement 1. This project had been very effective in balancing the representative of different geographical locations, marginalized and indigenous community, persons with disabilities and women. In 15 days, long 10 days Braille and 5 days EGR training to resource teachers, out of the 16 participants, 9 including 3 female had visual disabilities, 1 female had physical disabilities, and a woman participant was from Madeshi Community. At all, out of 16,7 were women who represented the training from hilly Dhankuta to plain District Kailali. Similarly, in the teaching -learning materials development program at MP school, 3 were general mothers while one mother had visual impairments.   All these parents were found to be belonging to poor economic background. 2. Stakeholders: CEHRD from Government of Nepal, integrated schools with blind and visually impaired students and National Federation of the Deaf, Nepal were the prime stakeholders of this project. CHERD played an immense role in reviewing and approving  the draft of 15 days-long Braille teaching and EGR training to the resource teachers at the integrated schools  with visually impaired children and also reviewed and provided inputs to the draft of supplementary educational reading reference materials in Braille “Hami pani padna Sakshau”. The members of CEHRD who were also the member of Reading for all technical Committee monitored the teachers training at Nepalgunj. The integrated schools from ten different R4A project locations and NFDN coordinated in selecting teachers to participate and organize the joint meeting with CHERD. It is also to acknowledge the generosity shown by MP school to allow space to hold educational materials development training to the parents of visually impaired students and provide an opportunity to the resource teachers training participants to observe their resource class.

1.5  Challenges and Mitigation Challenges faced during implementation of project and how overcome those challenges in bullet points or a table Maximum 1 page Ansa: Having immense scope and opportunity lying within itself, this project could not refrain itself from confronting with several challenges ranging from COVID-19 pandemic out breaking to some of the technical issues. The challenges being encountered with their explanation and their mitigating measures are mentioned below; 1.    Out-breaking of COVID-19 and its impact in everyday life: With the tracing of second case of COVID-19, the Government of Nepal imposed lockdown throughout the country from 25th March, 2019 which restricted public gathering, mobility and contact of person to person. As a result, our office almost remained closed for four months and we were forced to close office once again when our staffs contracted COVID-19. We were even unable to hold meetings with our partner Organization to discuss on running the project activities smoothly. Mitigating measures: In order to cope with the loss of project duration due to out-breaking of COVID-19, the approval was given by the partner Organization to extend it for two times from April, 2021 to December, 2021. All important meetings were conducted virtually   and some physical meetings were also conducted maintaining all COVID-19 safety guidelines. Technical challenges:  Conduction of 15 days-long Braille teaching and EGR training to resource teachers had been scheduled before Dashin festival, however it couldn’t be under taken as the draft of training manual being developed took time to get final approval from CHERD. Secondly, even the supplementary books in braille being produced also took time to get the final approval, which increased the work volume at the very last moment of the project period. Similarly, we have not been able to conduct onside visit program due to some technical error in revising the budget . Mitigating measures: As soon as the training manual and resource guidelines got approval from HERD, the date of the trading was announced and corresponded to the respective schools. As a result, we were able to conduct the training successfully in the month of November though it was almost at the end of the project period. Financial constrains to implement the project activities: As the project got extended for more than a year, a financial constrains had been experienced while managing the cost of approved project activities. Because of which, there had been a great dissatisfaction over the participants regarding stipends to be provided to them in return for their participation. Mitigating measures: In order to manage the increase in the market price over the years, ten percent budget had been added to the final approved grants which to some extend helped to cope with the increased market price. The dissatisfaction of the participation was addressed by increasing their daily allowance from Rs. 2200 to Rs. 5,000. Lack of proper coordination between the partners Organizations: Some of the challenges had occurred during and after the project period due to lack of proper understanding between grantor and the implementing Organization especially in financial and the technical aspects. Mitigating measures: A try had been made to accomplish the project activities within the stipulated time maintaining transparent, fair and healthy environment.

1.1  Key Lessons Learnt Any lesson learned from the project Maximum half page Working as a resource partner in HI and World Education’s “Reading for all” project, it has been a great learning for us. Some the lesson learns are illustrated below; A proper and thorough discussion with the partners, resource Organizations and the stakeholders are very important to achieve the expected results of the project.Involvement of specific persons for whom the project is targeted for is crucial while designing and implementing the project activities.  Development and display of Supplementary materials and other reference materials by utilizing the locally available low cost materials are more liked by the teachers and the students. It’s less effective to demonstrate those teaching-learning materials to the parents and to the resource teachers if any materials are beyond their capacity to afford. Any long  training designed without addressing the financial need of the participants and  break in between is found to be less effective in terms of teaching-learning process as it can distract the attention to other  things rather remain focused. Any long-training for service providers like teachers is found to be more effective if it could be conducted during the school’s term break or the vacations. For any project that incorporates persons with visual impairments and other disabilities as the participants, it is necessary to provide reasonable accommodation, personal attendant and selection of accessible venue to ensure their full and effective participation and also to respect their dignity as well.   Management and administrative issue: As we all are aware that global out-breaking of COVID-19 pandemic is effecting all professional to social sectors. In such an unpredictable circumstance it is obvious for our project to come under its effect. We were forced to extend  the project period, staffs got no business to perform during the lock down and even had to work for six months only in a half month salary. The drafting of   training manual and resource books on braille teaching and EGR got delayed and restriction on mobility and mass gathering. As a result the finalization and approval of the training manual and the resource guidelines could happen only at the very last moment of the project period adding extra pressure to run the remaining activities within a short span of time. Similarly, a little confusion regarding the VAT payment had also been experienced due to lack of circulation of the proper information.        

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